CS 360 Teaching Assistant
Posted Thu Dec 10 2015 by Sophie Engle
I am looking for a TA for CS 360 Data Visualization next semester. Details are below.
Experience with data visualization and/or Javascript is highly recommended, but not required. Excellent written and spoken English skill required. You must also be available to attend lectures MWF 2:15pm to 3:20pm.
You will be expected to attend lecture and assist with any interactive exercises. Every week, you will be asked to (1) verify the functionality of weekly homework assignments, and (2) verify that students completed their pass/fail participation assignments. The grading will be based on functionality checklists and does not require visualization expertise, but it cannot be automated.
To apply, please email sjengle@cs.usfca.edu describing your qualifications for the position by December 18, 2015. Please include your GPA for related CS courses.